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How to say it in Hungarian? / Hogy mondjuk magyarul?
Ide kattintva elolvashatja a könyv előszavát
Ide kattintva elolvashat egy részletet a könyvből
The How to Say it in Hungarian? English–Hungarian conversation pocket book helps even those with only a basic foundation in Hungarian in finding the essential sentences, phrases and expressions used in daily life. The book provides guidance in all relevant speech situations. The Conversation part contains typical sentences and often-used expressions for everyday subjects in English and Hungarian, broken down into 16 topics. Besides accommodation, shopping, eating, leisure and the weather, the book also lists modern phrases and sentences related to the internet and electronic payment. Readers can make use of a table on Hungarian pronunciation.
This English–Hungarian phrase book and conversation guide is primarily intended for visitors from English-speaking countries. It also comes in handy for those looking to work in Hungary for a longer period.
The book was edited by Ágnes Makkai Arany, a renowned professional in teaching English as a second language, and Gábor Kiss, an award-winning dictionary editor.
A How to Say it in Hungarian? 16 nagy témakörbe rendezve angolul és magyarul tartalmazza a mindennapi beszédhelyzetekben előforduló jellegzetes mondatokat, gyakori beszédfordulatokat. A szálláskeresés, a vásárlás, az étkezés, a szórakozás és az időjárás témaköre mellett a könyvben megtalálhatók többek között az internettel és az elektronikus fizetéssel kapcsolatos modern szófordulatok, mondatok. Könyvünket elsősorban az angol nyelvű országokból hazánkba érkező látogatóknak szánjuk, de hasznos segédeszköz lehet a hosszabb magyarországi tartózkodást tervező munkavállalóknak is.
Alcím English–Hungarian Conversation Pocket Book / Angol–magyar társalgási zsebkönyvSzerző Makkai-Arany Ágnes, Kiss GáborOldalszám 132Kötés típusa puhafedelesFormátum A/5Article No. 9789634093794Weight 165 g/pcs
Foreword / 9
Hungarian pronunciation / 10
Conversation part / 13
Warnings, notices / 13
Most frequent turns of conversational phrases / 15
Saying hello, greeting, meeting someone / 15
Saying good bye / 15
Expressing one’s gratitude, thanks / 16
Apologizing / 17
Wishing one well / 17
Conversation / 19
Starting a conversation, introducing oneself / 19
Agreeing, consenting / 20
Negation, doubt, refusal / 21
Asking questions, getting information / 22
Requests, wishes / 24
Advice, warning / 24
Satisfaction, recognition / 25
Regrets, dissatisfaction / 26
Telling quantities / 27
Let’s count! / 27
Money, currency exchange, making payments / 30
Measures, units of measurement / 31
Time, the weather / 35
Hour, O’clock / 35
Calendar / 36
The weather, temperature / 39
About ourselves / 41
Personal data / 41
Age, family status / 42
Family / 43
Profession, level of education / 44
Occupations / 45
University studies / 45
Hobby / 45
Language, nationality, country, residence / 46
Continents / 48
Conuntries, peoples / 48
The journey / trip / 52
Before the trip / 52
Taking a trip, vehicles / 53
Railway / Railroad station / 54
Ticket counter, luggage / baggage, platform, departure / 55
On a train / 58
At the border / 60
Arrival / 61
At the airport, on an airplane / 61
By car / 63
At the police, accident / 65
Lodging / 68
Hotel / 68
Taking a room / 68
Extending one’s stay in a hotel / 71
Checking out of the hotel / 72
Private lodging / 72
Camping / 73
Meals / 75
General expressions / 75
In a restaurant / 76
In a dairy bar / dairy shop / At a dairy counter / 78
In a fast food restaurant / 79
In a coffee house / In a café / 79
In a bar / At a drink bar / 80
Services / 82
At the barber / 82
At the ladies’ hairdresser / 82
At the beautician / beauty parlor / 84
At the optician / optometrist / 84
Key copying / 85
Sickness / illness / 86
At the physician’s / doctor’s / 86
At the chemist’s / dispensary / drug-store / 88
At the dentist’s / 88
Post office, internet / 90
Correspondence / 90
At the post office / 91
Telephone / 92
Internet / 93
Shopping / 94
General expressions about shopping / 94
In a food store / supermarket / 95
At the greengrocer’s / grocery store / 96
At the hardware store / 97
At the tobacconist’s shop / cigar store / 97
In the perfumery / toiletry section of a drugstore / 98
In the bookstore / 99
At the florist’s / 100
In a giftshop / curio shop / 100
At the shopping center / 101
At the stationery store / 101
At a shoe shop and a shop for fancy-leather goods / 101
At the ladies’ and gentlemen’s outfitters / haberdashery / 103
At the fabric shop sold by the yard or meter / 104
Women’s and men’s ready-made clothes store / 105
At the watchmaker’s and jeweler’s / 106
In a sports shop / 107
In a music store / 107
In a toy store / 108
In the city / 109
Asking for directions / 109
Urban traffic / 111
Sight seeing in the city, historic buildings, monuments and famous landmarks / 113
In the museum / 114
Amusement, culture / 116
Visiting someone / 116
Theatre / theatre / 117
Concert / 118
Opera / 119
Cinema / movie theatre / 119
Amusement places / 120
Radio, television / 121
Library / 122
Excursion / 123
Sports / 125
The way we live / 127
school, education / 129